Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Freshest Manure.

This is my JAM.

Cockiness by Jonas LR is a testament to the adage, “When life gives you lemons, make some damn lemonade.”
Wahenga walisema...

Made from samples of the truly terrible original by Rihanna, young Mr. Jonas Haslam (Who hails from Leeds like Favela, Go leeds!) gives us one of the most highly stylized songs of the year. With chopped up synths and the most deliciously naughty refrain (I love it when you eat it), this cheeky number  is the perfect song to drive to on your way to the discotheque with your inappropriately dressed, not-quite-turnt-up friends. It is sure to get them young and ready. Check out his other songs on his sound cloud.

On a different note, this song has me thinking Ms. Rihanna and the illuminati machine behind her should consider jumping on something like this where she is doing a lot more toasting than singing. Maybe team up with the likes of Bassment Jaxx and them because she actually does sound really good on those verses with that sexy bajan accent. I think it would work well and give her some much needed grit. You are welcome Jay Zed.

Please share your JAMS with me. Please. Thanks.


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