Thursday, 17 April 2014

Stay afloat.

Some songs help us to not commit suicide.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes, when one’s filters are down, the responsibility that comes with being alive can be overwhelming. When we are just bobbing up and down this sea of life, not sure where we are going and whether we even want to go there. For me, these moments occur from time to time, but especially during the morning and evening commute. I don’t know if it’s the muddy roads and cold air in the mornings or the tired, sweaty faces and obnoxious radio presenters in the evening, but the commute almost always makes me want to chuck it all in. Or at least go on stand by for a little while. Don’t you wish you had a stand by button?
If only..

Now, before you get properly depressed, I have good news. Life might not provide a stand-by button but it has given songs that can cushion us against the turbulent ride that is mortality. Songs like this.

Lisa Oduor-Noah’s voice soothes.
The Legacy project has some really good stuff guys..

Her honey-sweet soprano often cradles my forlorn spirit on a cold morning or after a bland, useless day. I don’t know much about her except that she does a lot of features and while this is great, it’s time she ventured out on her own. I would love to hear her more clearly.

Her sound reminds me a lot of this miracle of a girl group.

First of all, the name King is BOSS.

Secondly, why don’t they have an album yet? These ladies caused quite a stir in 2011 when Phonte (formerly of now-defunct Little brother and currently one half of Foreign Exchange) stumbled upon them and went all stan-like. Soon enough they were getting daps from the likes of Badu and (gasp) Prince. I wonder if they got overwhelmed by the positive response or are just so zen and hence are in no hurry. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

Check out their website for more information.

As for Lisa, we have a lot of mutual friends so I’m going to see if I can talk to her soon and find out what she is up to. If she indulges me, I shall get back to you guys.
In the meantime, don’t commit suicide, as pointless as it all may seem.
We may not be important, but we certainly are valuable, otherwise, the universe wouldn’t have let us exist.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks bunches! I hope you've heard this :)
      and there may be a surprise coming up in June this year. :)
      Keep listening

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